billion watching throughout the world united in bidding a collective farewell to the departing year, and expressing our joy and hope for the year ahead.
There's nothing quite like seeing the ball drop live in Times Square on New Year's Eve. People who have been lucky to experience the event say there's nothing like it, and feeling as the crowd counts down to midnight is unparalleled. For 2009, new Times Square New Years Eve Ball has doubled in size and is 20% more energy efficient than the previous one. The new ball incorporates 3500 lighting cues, weighs 11,875 pounds and is now 12 feet in diameter. The flag pole on the top of One Times Square building where the ball is hoisted has been rebuilt and now enlarged to accommodate the ball. When raised it will now be 475 feet above Times Square. And for the first time in its 101 year history, after New Years Eve, it will remain up all year round.
The event is covered by all television networks as there is no exclusive coverage of the event. But the most notable of all these coverages is the other New Year tradition of America, Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve. Hosted by Dick Clark for the past thirty-five years, the show is making way for some small changes this year with the addition of Ryan Seacrest's name in the show's title. It will now be called 'Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest'. Seacrest has gradually taken over the hosting of the show eve since Clark's stroke in late 2004.
If you are planning to see Times Square New Year ball drop event live, here are some tips from about.com:

If you want a good view of the famous ball dropping, you’d better get there early. Revelers begin to gather in the afternoon and the prime viewing areas fill up very quickly. The best viewing spots are along Broadway, from 43rd Street to 50th Street, and along Seventh Avenue, up to 59th Street.
Get there by 6 p.m. to see the Times Square New Year's Eve Ball raised to the top of the 77-foot flagpole at One Times Square and lit. At exactly 11:59 p.m. EST, the Ball will make its 60-second descent down the flagpole to signal the start of the New Year.
There will be no portable public restrooms available, although there is a new Charmin public bathroom in Times Square. Unless you're comfortable peeing on the street in December (and risking a fine and an embarrassing encounter with New York's finest), you are probably going to have to hold it for a while.
If you're planning to watch it online, YouTube and other video hosting services will definitely have coverage of the event. Here's a copy of how it happened last year. Please check back this page for the 2009 New Year Times Square ball drop this year. For thos who want to view it LIVE ONLINE, livevideo.com will be covering the event.
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