Mystery Bear of the Arctic National Geography Channel Report
We would in a small village in western Red China. I stared at the bear foot in a sidewalk drug store. Clearly, it came from a brown bear, but where was this mystery bear from? In arid Qinghai province, there were no bears. It must have come overland on the ancient silk-road trade route-from who knows where.The stocks of polar bears in Alaska are shared with other nations and national management programs should be coordinated. In 1988, the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management and the Inuvialuit Game Council signed an agreement to provide for coordinated management of the Beaufort Sea polar bear stock. Negotiations are currently underway between the U.S. and Russia for an agreement on management for the Chukchi stock.

The polar bear has become the poster child of global warming, but there’s more to the Arctic than ice and polar bears.There’s no doubt the Arctic is warming. In fact, this extreme region has warmed faster than any other on earth, with the Arctic temperature increasing three to five times faster than the Earth as a whole over the past 100 years.Arctic will become an additional 7 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit warmer during the next century.These northern-spreading shrubs establish a new order of plant life, shading out low-growing lichens and plants like ground willow and cotton grass, all favorite foraging items for grazers like caribou. Without their main summer and winter foods, caribou are vulnerable to starvation.
Polar bears are most abundant near coastlines and the southern edge of the ice, but they can occur throughout the polar basin. They make extensive movements related to the seasonal position of the ice edge.In winter, bears off Alaska commonly occur as far south as St. Lawrence Island and may even reach St. Matthew Island and the Kuskokwim Delta.During the summer, bears occur near the edge of the pack ice in the Chukchi Sea and Arctic Ocean, mostly between 70° and 72° north latitude.Pregnant females concentrate for winter denning on Wrangel Island and other Russian islands, islands in the Canadian arctic, Greenland, and Spitsbergen.Some denning occurs along the north Alaska coast, especially within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and on the adjacent sea ice.
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