According to reports, the 'Sarah Palin Two Thousand Nine Calendar' features over fifty exclusive and never-before-seen photographs of Sarah Palin and her family taken in and around Alaska by professional photographer Judy Patrick, a Wasilla native. One photo shows the Alaskan Governor smiling and standing proud with a shotgun on her shoulder. In another shot, she's pictured behind a snowcapped peak, superimposed on a giant American flag. Though there is no official word from the Palin camp if this calendar is authorized the Alaskan governor, conservative group Human Events, which recently named Sarah Palin as its Conservative of the Year, is pushing the calendar.

Sarah Palin went from virtual obscurity to huge popularity as Presidential Candidate John McCain's running mate. Since then she has re-energized the Conservative base of the Republican Party. As a front runner in the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination, she is showing America that she is willing to reform her own party and politics as usual.
Now you can have your very own 2009 calendar featuring never before seen photos of Sarah, with Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig Palin.
Despite the loss in the presidential election, there's no denying that Sarah Palin is still a very popular figure in America. The loss didn't seem to affect her fan base. Searches for her, her photographs and news about her family are still quite hot on the web so a calendar will definitely sell. For those of you who are interested, you can purchase the Sarah Palin 2009 calendar here.
If I may offer a little suggestion: I think a calendar with hotter pictures of the Alaskan Governor will sell much better. He he. (Photo source: Sarah Palin calendar site)
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