With the exit of Crystal during the last episode, we're now left with five. Five equally capable competitors - Matty, Sugar, Bob, Kenny and Susie. If you ask me, my money is on Bob. At his age (no insult intended), he has proven that he is a real survivor, even winning challenges and beating his much younger rivals in the process. But it's not up to me, or us. The winner will be determined by the jury of castaways and I smell payback here.
UPDATE: The results are in , and it's BOB by a vote of 4-3 over, are you ready for this, Susie! Yup, Susie almost won, and I almost had a heart attack! I still can't believe the jury almost made the biggest mistake in Survivor history by letting an almost-invisible-contestant win!
With the way Ken has sneakily played this game, I don't think he'll get many votes (if at all) from the jury. Same goes for Sugar because she is part of that alliance Matty called 'The Evil Three' (Kenny, Crystal and Sugar). However, with the way she played in the previous episode by breaking away from that alliance - saving Matty from elimination by giving him her immunity and convincing Bob not to give his immunity to Ken - will the jury give her another chance, or is it a bit too late? We'll have to wait and see. As for Susie, I don't think she has a chance. Can anybody win Survivor by playing almost invisibly all season long? I don't think so. That leaves Matty and Bob.
I really thinks it's a battle between these two. I think the jury appreciates a solid player so I think it's a toss up between Bob and Matty. Well, we only have a few hours to wait before we find out who the winner is this season. Let's all watch the finale and the reunion episode as we welcome the winner and Sole Survivor of Survivor Gabon.
For those who may want to refresh their memory with what happened during Survivor Gabon episode 13, here is a recap courtesy of Wikipedia. I have also posted a preview clip of the finale.

* Immunity Challenge: The castaways would have to dig a passage under a wall, cross a maze made out of planks, and untie a series of knots that would open a gate that lead to a maze with 25 Gabonese huts. In three of the huts would be a bag of puzzle pieces. One puzzle bag at a time would need to be retrieved from the maze and dropped off at the finish platform. Once all three bags were retrieved, the first castaway to correctly assemble the puzzle would win.
Ken felt that Bob reneged on his deal to hand over the immunity necklace at the last Tribal Concil. Sugar worked on re-establishing Ken's trust in her even as she plotted with Bob to vote out Susie and Ken next. At the Immunity Challenge, Bob narrowly beat Sugar, winning immunity for the third straight time and the fifth consecutive challenge. At Tribal Council, Ken felt confident going into Tribal Council that he would not be voted out, but that confidence was misplaced as he was voted out 4-1.
* Immunity Challenge: The castaways would be given 200 wooden tiles. The first castaway to use the tiles to build a house of cards 10 feet (3.0 m) tall would win. If after 30 minutes, no castaway has built the house of cards to over 10 feet (3.0 m) tall, the castaway who builds the tallest house of cards at the end of the time limit would win.
Before the start of the final Immunity Challenge, the Final Four took the traditional journey honoring the castaways voted out before them. Susie broke Bob's challenge winning streak by having built the tallest house of cards after 30 minutes. Sugar thought about forcing a tie at the next Tribal Council due to her loyalty towards Bob for being a father figure. Bob went off into the trees to practice starting a fire, anticipating a fire making tiebreaker challenge. At Tribal Council, Sugar did force a 2-2 tie between Bob and Matty. The tiebreaker challenge was fire making, which Bob won after resuscitating his initial fire and Matty never starting a fire.
The Final Three spent their last day at camp eating the traditional feast and burning down one of the huts at the campsite. At the final Tribal Council, Charlie asked Sugar and Susie why they felt they should be voted at the "top of the totem pole" even though they were ranked the second lowest and lowest, respectively, among their tribes before the first tribal switch. He asked Bob if the "intimate cuddling and spooning all night long" was more enjoyable than he would liked to admit. Crystal asked no question of Susie, asked Bob to tell her something that Sugar didn't tell him to do, and asked Sugar why she voted her out. Ken asked Susie why she thought she deserved the million dollars and his vote, asked Sugar why she back stabbed him, and Bob about their deal over the immunity necklace. Corinne asked Susie if she would be willing to have her vocal cords removed if she were to win the million dollars. She asked Bob to show the nasty side of Bob and make her believe that he did not like Sugar. She did not ask a question to Sugar, but instead took the opportunity to criticize her. Marcus asked no questions of Susie, what Sugar would do to honor her deceased father if she were to win, and for Bob to give one example of a situation were he was responsible for his decisions. Randy asked Susie to elaborate on the time that Susie said she felt sorry for him and Sugar and Bob if they considered the consequences of putting him on the jury when they gave him the fake Hidden Immunity Idol. Matty asked Susie to tell him why Bob and Sugar were less deserving that she was of the million dollars, Sugar to reveal something that she felt that she did was evil, and Bob why Sugar and Susie were more deserving of the million dollar prize that he was. In the end, the jury voted Bob the Sole Survivor with a vote of 4-3-0 over Susie. In addition, Bob won the 'Sprint Survivor of the Season' award, earning the fan's vote over Sugar and Matty.
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