I wasn't planning on buying jeans this Christmas, having gained a few more pounds than what my wardrobe was prepared for. I told myself last month that I need to work on my diet and exercise, and lose a few pounds and inches around my bulging midsection before I can buy new jeans. However, that plan disintegrated this afternoon as I saw the sale. The jeans looked great and, most importantly, cheap. I
just had to buy one, or two. Having no plan to venture into the fitting rooms meant I wasn't dressed for it either. When buying jeans or pants, I usually go to the mall in comfortable shorts and slip-on sneakers (or slippers) - easy to take off and easy to put back on. Not this time. However, the sale was too good to pass up and I mentally prepared myself for the number one inconvenience of shopping - the fitting room.
As I was making up my mind on the style to get, the guy next to me was trying jeans around his neck! Yup, you read it right. He was taking the sides of the waist and wrapping them around his neck. If the two sides meet and fit snugly around one's neck, it'll fit one's waist. I've seen this many times around the stores and even have friends who swear by its accuracy. However, I have never tried this method. I found it too weird to buy pants by trying them around my neck!
This time, however, with the prospect of a fitting room ordeal, I was tempted to try the method. I took two pairs of jeans from the rack and tried them around my neck. Mind you, I did this in the corner of the booth, partially hidden from the other shoppers as I was too self-conscious to do such a weird thing in front of everybody. He he. Having chosen the pairs that fit snugly around my neck, paid for them and headed out of the store. However, after a few steps I changed my mind. What if they the method doesn't work for me. I just had to be sure. After all, it would be a bigger inconvenience to go back the next day after finding out that the jeans don't fit me.
I headed straight to the fitting room to try them on. My hunch was right. My neck and waist are disproportionate. In fact, I couldn't even pull up the zipper on those jeans! I replaced them with the right pairs after two trips to the feared fitting room. The neck method definitely doesn't work for me. My pal does that jean thing every time and he always gets perfectly fitting pants. Maybe it only works on skinnier people like him. He he.
How 'bout you? Have you tried the 'neck method'? Is your neck proportional to your waist? (BTW, pictured above is Cathie Jung, the woman with the world's smallest waist. Now that's crazy! I wonder how she buys jeans.)
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