Today, however, the situation is the exact opposite. Searches for that Kanye West SNL performance video have slowly climbed the charts, with myself included in the thousands of people curious about his performance. What has changed since Saturday? Well, for one thing, Yaho0 featured Kanye West's Saturday Night Live (SNL) appearance in its headlines - enough for fans and non-fans alike to take notice. However, what whetted people's appetites for more about Kanye's weekend guesting are the unflattering commentaries music critics have been showering on that SNL performance.
"It was a meltdown, a shame," said some articles. "He lip-synched," claimed another. Well, after locating the said performance videos on the web, I must say they were right. Kanye was not his best that Saturday night (or whenever the show was taped). In some portions of his 'Love Lockdown' performance, his voice was either cracking or totally disintegrating. It's a good thing his back-up singers were in their element that night otherwise it would have been a more disastrous. On the other hand, to the claims that he was lip-synching, I think this is totally false. If it was true then he would have sounded good, even perfect. But not that night. The songs were definitely sung 'live'. To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, here are the videos of Kanye West's SNL performances.
Kanye West Saturday Night Live (SNL) Performance
'Love Lockdown' Video
Video: 'Heartless' and 'Pinocchio Story'
Kanye West Performance on Saturday Night Live (SNL)
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