Ghost Whisperer is an popular episodic television series that revolves around the life of Melinda Gordon, a young woman who has the ability to see and communicate with the dead. Each weekly installment deals with one or more ghosts seeking Melinda's help in relaying a message, solving a case or completing a task that will put the spirit to rest, and allow them to "cross over" into The Light.
The full video stream of 'Life on the Line', Ghost Whisperer 4.11 (s04e11), will be available online soon for those of you who prefer to watch it here. As always, a copy of it will be posted here for all of you. Please check back for it regularly. In the meantime, here is the preview of this week's Ghost Whisperer episode as well as its plot summary.
A 14-year-old ghost wants to get his divorced parents and estranged brother back together so they will finally discuss the real reason for his death. Melinda discovers a secret that might make Sam/Jim's memory come back.
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