NEW DELHI: After a long wait, Notion Ink finally opened pre-orders for Adam this morning (December 10, 2010) for all. However, the company probably failed to realise the importance of real videos and pictures of Adam, which is a must for instilling confidence among people who are queing up online to buy a completely new product being offered by a start-up.
As soon as the veil was removed on december 9, Adam fans and technology lovers from all over wanted to get overall feel of the device through images and videos but they were clearly disappointed and many of these enthusiasts posted long comments on the company’s blog.
Though Rohan Shravan has been communicating with fans and tech lovers about any new development through his much popular blog but things should have been a little more planned and professional once the device was unveiled. The official website of the company should have carried every information, apart from the blog posts.
With the pre-order opening for all on Friday morning (IST), many people were faced with problems and errors like site getting down frequently. A poorly designed cart interface added to the chaos. Besides these problesm, many of the customers have complained about inconsistencies and unclear return policy, shipping charges and warranty policies of the company.
Rohan Shravan has, through his latest blog post, promised to redress and answer these doubts in a little while. He and other members of his team need to take notice of these doubts and get them sorted as it may have an adverse affect on the sales of Adam.
Notion Ink has been very honest in sharing all the details regarding the development of Adam and what we have heard about the device till now, makes it the most appealing tablet PC available in the market. But unless people have the real feel of the device, they may be hesitant to pay for it.
In fact, some of the blogs out there, especially, have raised doubts about the real intentions of the company, which may affect its image.
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